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Business Owners

Promote Your Local Business!

  • Grow your Social Media
  • Increase your Website Traffic
  • Boost Google Reviews
  • Generate Quality Leads
  • Monetize the Giveaway
  • While Giving Back to the Community

Struggling to reach new customers?

Introducing BizGivs, a new platform designed to meet the specific needs of brick-and-mortar and service-oriented businesses with the power of giveaways.
  • Effortless Entry:
    We provide custom tabletops with QR codes for easy participation.
  • Viral Sharing Engine:
    Reward participants for spreading the word and watch your giveaway explode!
  • Lead Generation Powerhouse:
    Every entry becomes a potential customer!
  • Shared Traffic Platform:
    Get featured on BizGivs' city page alongside other local businesses for maximum reach.
  • Boost Google Reviews:
    Encourage happy customers to leave positive reviews with perfect timing.
  • Monetize the Giveaway:
    Convert winners into paying customers with exclusive deals.
  • Perfect for Service Businesses:
    Giveaways are practically free when you offer your services as prizes!
